Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Divine Service
Sundays 10:00 am
Lutheran Divine Service according to the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) in our historic and beautiful nave.
Thursdays 7:00 PM
Lutheran Divine Service
According to The Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) in our Chapel.
Our Confession
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church is a community formed by Jesus in Baptism and gathered around Scripture, Prayer, and the Eucharist. Through the Church Jesus seeks to draw all people to himself, forgiving their sins by his death on the cross and sanctifying them for a life of love for God and service to their neighbor.
We hold to the doctrinal tenets expressed in the historical creeds and confessions of the Christian faith as set down in the Book of Concord, 1580. We understand that God’s Word is eternal and eternally unchanging. That Word, revealed to us in the Holy Bible, is, of course, the sole foundation of our faith.

Our Clergy and Staff

Jeff Goodman
TEL: 717.7336646​

Theresa Lee
Tel: 717.733.6646

Jean Wilhelm
Tel: 717.733.6646

Lutheran Church

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